Rishi Pulastya

Rishi Pulastya

Pulastya was one of the ten Prajapatis or mind-born sons of Brahma , and one of the Saptarishis (seven Great Sages Rishi) in the first Manvantara.

He was the medium through which some of the puranas were communicated to man. He received the Vishnu Purana from Brahma and communicated it to Parashara who were made it known to mankind.

He was father of Visaravas who was the father of Kuvera and Ravana, and all of the Rakshasas are supposed to have sprung from him .Pulastya Rishi was married to one of Kardam Ji’s nine daughters names Havirbhoo. Pulastya Rishi had two sons Maharishi Agastya and Visravas .Vishravaa had two wives : one was Kekasi who gave Vibheeshan and another was Idvidaa and had a son named Kuber.

Idvidaa was the daughter of Trinbinda and Alambhushaa Apsaraa in lineage of Marutt who was a Chakravartee Raajaa and was in the lineage of Vaivaswat Manu Shraadhadev .He had all gold pots in his yagya and he gave so much Brahmin that they left many things there only. This was the same  gold which Yudhishthira took and used for his yagya .Trinbindu was in the lineage of Marutt.


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